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Claudio Pettinari

pettinariClaudio Pettinari, born in 1964, graduated cum laude in Chemistry at the University of Camerino (1989). Rector of the University of Camerino (2017-2023), member of the CRUI council with responsibility for research and third mission. Full professor of Chemistry since 2010 at the University of Camerino and CNR associate.

Winner of the Flavio Bonati national prize for organometallic chemistry in 1998 and the Raffaello Nasini medal awarded by the Italian Chemical Society in 2004 for inorganic chemistry, he held the Sacconi Lecture in 2023.

Visiting Researcher at the University of Zaragoza and the University of Seville in the context of research projects Azione Integrada Italy-Spain, he has visited numerous foreign universities, holding conferences and maintaining scientific collaboration relationships with numerous research groups.

He currently teaches General and Inorganic Chemistry for the Degree Course in Pharmacy. He deals with organometallic chemistry and coordination compound chemistry with applications in the field of innovative materials, in the synthesis of compounds with biological activity and in the production of new catalysts for polymerization and oxidation reactions, as well as in the synthesis of MOFs.

Author of over 440 publications in peer-review international journals, 5 patents and 5 books, including textbooks for high schools. He is currently on the international board of the scientific committee of Nitrogen Donor Ligands in Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis and Coordination Chemistry. Since 2009 he has been director of the International School of Organometallic Chemistry (ISOC) sponsored by SCI and EUCHEM. Doctor honoris causa of the University of Galati, member of the Academy of Lisbon and of the Academy of Sciences of Bologna. Vice-president of the Italian Chemical Society. Member of the CDA of Almalurea, of the scientific experts APRE group, of the EUA board for research and innovation strategies, of the Joint Steering Committee for scientific collaboration ITALY - SERBIA and of the CNR-IUPAC commission.

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