IUPAC endorses the 1a Italian-French Conference on NMR
Under the IUPAC patronage, the Italian (GIDRM) and French (GERM) associations for Magnetic Resonances organize the first joint international conference, which will be held in Milan from 27 to 30 September 2022. The conference, which includes 15 invited talks delivered by eminent international experts, will offer a great opportunity for discussion and exchange, with a strongly international character. Young scientists will be particularly supported with attendance grants and prizes. The latest developments and applications of Magnetic Resonance in many prominent fields, from materials, biomolecules to metabolomics, medicine, etc. will be presented and discussed. The deadline for abstract submission is May 31, 2022. All information can be found on the GIDRM website (http://www.gidrm.org/index.php/activities/national-congress/italian-french-international-conference-on-magnetic-resonance-milan-2022/information).