Also this year, in conjunction with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, IUPAC organized the Global Women Breakfast. Thousands of people, meeting in hundreds of events organized around the world, discussed the 2023 theme "Breaking Barriers in Science". A lot has been done but a lot remains to be done to ensure that, even in science, there are equal opportunities and true inclusiveness. Many events organized in Italy and registered on the IUPAC website https://iupac.org/gwb/. The President of CNR, Prof. Maria Chiara Carrozza, last year guest of the GWB organized by NAO-CNR, this year has taken part to the GWB organized by CNR and University of Florence. This is the link to listen the interview to the President during the GWB23: https://www.cnrweb.tv/gender-gap-soluzioni-a-tavolino/